Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Basic Organ Functionality

After Nutririon, Strength, Flexibility and Calories, its time to discuss the last topic on health basics that I had committed , that is Basic Organ Functionality.

Here I shall discuss some common and uncommon tips to keep some of our vital organs in good health.


What does it do?

Pumps in carbon-di-oxide rich blood from the body and sends it to lungs, and receives oxygen rich blood from lungs and pumps it out to the whole body.

How to keep it healthy?

1) By taking low calory (especially low in cholesterol and triglycerides) food

2) By doing regular exercise like aerobics with intense exercise intermittently alternating with light exercise , followed by a complete cool down


What does it do?

Takes the oxygen we inhale and mixes it with the impure(carbon-di-oxide rich) blood, extracts the carbon-di-oxide from it to purify it and then sends the pure(oxygen rich) blood to the heart to get it pumped to the whole body while giving out the carbon-di-oxide through the wind pipe (trachea) for us to exhale.

How to keep it healthy?

1) By practising various breathing exercises

2) By trying to spend some time of each day in an oxygen rich surrounding (full of greenery) to inhale fresh oxygen rich air through deep breathing


What does the pair of eyes do?

Well, we all know what they do.

How to keep it in good health?

1) Blink : They cleanse the eyes

2) Avoid rubbing eyes especially when hands or fingers are not clean to avoid eye infections like conjunctivitis

3) Eat a lot of VitA rich food (eg : Carrot, Papaya etc)

4) Practise some common eye exercises like focussing at a distant object for some time and then changing the focus to a nearby object. The change in focus should be slow at times and abrupt at times. This exercise strengthens the muscles holding the eye lens and thereby prevents their loosening. This helps us prevent developing common eye problems like myopia or hypermetropia (near-sightedness , far sightedness)

5) If possible, try spending sometime of each day focussing on greenery, any green plant or a distant green hill etc. Natural Green soothes the eye

6) Avoid looking at the TV screen or computer screens for long durations without break or from a very close distance

7) Keep a minimum distance between the eyes and the book when you are reading or writing

For healthy muscles and joints , regular exercise involving joint movements and muscle toning, strssing and then stretching and relaxing is a must.

Don't be surprised , if I say that regular exercise is good for skin too. Yes, its true. Wprk out regularly for few months and you will not miss the glow in your skin. But yes, that will happen, only when you otherwise keep you skin clean by washing it with a gentle face wash at least twice a day and apply a mild moisturiser at least once a day. When we work hard and sweat, it cleans the pores in the skin. Wash the sweaty face after exercise to keep it clean.

For patients of migraine like me, who get migraine attack any time, regular exercise is a must to keep such attacks in check. Migraine usually happens due to lack of a chemical substance called seratonin. Exercise helps secreate this chamical thereby reducing the severity of migraine and the frequency of the attacks.

Well, that's all for now. Whenever I get any more such information that might be useful, I would share the same. Till then, you take care of all your body organs and let me think about what my next topic should be. Any suggestions.....

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