Monday, August 31, 2009

I wish...

I wish I had wings so I could fly,
To reach your shoulders when I cry.

I wish you were here so I could tell you
Everytime I miss you, that I love you.

I wish distances meant not what they mean,
So we could be together in spite of the distances between.

I wish you and I were together
Not apart for a moment, never.

I wish dreams were as true as reality,
So we could live them together till eternity.

I wish I had a third eye,
To peep at you, not knowing why.

I wish the winds could tell you, if they could speak,
How without you, I feel weak.

I wish I were a poetess writing this letter,
So I could tell you, how lonely I feel without you, better.

New year's card and letter to my beloved...

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