Monday, December 14, 2009

A. Voice Achievers Award for 2009 to 7 Indo-Canadians for their outstanding contributions to the film industry, trade, medicine, literature and sports:

  1. Cancer-stricken actor Lisa Ray (performance in Deepa Mehta’s film Water )
  2. Gopal Bhatnagar (cardiac surgery)
  3. M.G. Vassanji (arts)
  4. Meenu Sikand (social work)
  5. Raja Panjwani (sports)
  6. Rai Sahi (Business)
  7. Asha Luthra (President of Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce)
B. Visa-on-Arrival facility in India to nationals of 5 countries :
  1. Japan
  2. Singapore
  3. New Zealand
  4. Luxembourg
  5. Finland
C. The new ART (Regulation) Bill, 2008: Seeks to legalise commercial surrogacy and the 228th report of the Law Commission suggests banning commercial surrogacy and legalising only altruistic surrogacy

D. Rajiv Gandhi Award Winners:

Shahid Kapoor: Best Actor
Katrina Kaif: Best Actress
Vineet Jain: MD of The Times Group, for Industry
Ramesh Chandra Agarwal: Journalism
Sam Pitroda: Global Indian
Dr. Narendra Jadhav: Educationist
Dr. G. Madhavan Nair: Super Achiever
Krushnaa Patil: Woman Achiever
Avika Gor: Child Prodigy
Rajashree Birla: Social Field
Rohit Kochhar: Young Entrepreneur

E. Ramon Magsaysay Award Winners:

Krisana Kraisintu from Thailand
Deep Joshi from India
Yu Xiaogang, from China
Antonio Oposa, Jr., from the Philippines
Ma Jun, from China
Hsaw Wa, from Burma

F. Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development started in 1986 has had 22 awardees so far as follows:

Year Name Recipient Description

---- ------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------

1986 Parliamentarians for Global Action International Organisation of Parliamentarians

1987 Mikhail Gorbachev Former Soviet Union Leader

1988 Gro Harlem Brundtland Former Prime Minister of Norway

1989 UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund

1990 Sam Nujoma First President of Namibia

1991 Rajiv Gandhi Former Prime Minister of India (posthumous)

1992 Saburo Okita Japanese Economist

1993 Václav Havel 1st President of the Czech Republic

1994 Trevor Huddleston Anti-Apartheid Activist

1995 Olusegun Obasanjo 12th President of Nigeria

1996 Medicins Sans Frontieres Voluntary Organisation

1997 Jimmy Carter 39th President of the United States

1998 Muhammad Yunus Nobel Peace Prize Winner, 2006

1999 M S Swaminathan Indian Agricultural Scientist

2000 Mary Robinson 7th President of Ireland

2001 Sadako Ogata Former United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

2002 Shridath Ramphal 2nd Commonwealth Secretary-General

2003 Kofi Annan 7th United Nations Secretary General

2004 Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Princess of Thailand

2005 Hamid Karzai 1st President of Afghanistan

2006 Wangari Maathai Environmental and Political activist

2007 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Charitable Foundation

2008 Mohamed ElBaradei 4th Director General of the IAEA

2009 Sheikh Hasina Bangladesh Prime Minister

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Rapist Society

"Oh is it, was she molested? You know, it must be her fault. Her dresses were too modern and inviting".

"Yeah I tell you, these girls nowadays wear vulgar dresses and then blame it upon boys when they get raped."

"So true, in our days, we never faced such problems and neither heard of them."

"Was she from north-east India, oh then it must have been her fault. These chinkis, I tell you, always behave and dress like foreigners in India and invite troubles."

Do these statements sound familiar? If you say "No", then either you are not an Indian or you belong to the ultra rich or the ultra poor class in India who have other things to discuss about.

But if you belong to the so-called Indian middle class, of course that includes the upper and lower middle classes with annual incomes ranging from Rs.60000 to Rs.10000000 or may be more, then you have surely come across such instances of the "Great Indian Hypocrisy". There are greater chances of your encounter with such comments if you hail from any part north of the Godaveri River and west of the Brahmaputra. In the leftover region, though not absent but 'Hypocrisy' is a little less, at least in matters of sexual harassment.

Such comments come from both men and women, young and old, with mild variations depending on their status and stature. Whenever I hear such comments, I honestly wish to open the brains of all such people who believe in this and fix a few nuts and bolts inside it that have probably loosened due to what-so-ever reasons. I really wish to ask them, that do the maids who get harassed so often, wear swimsuits or mini skirts while washing dishes? Of course not. Then why do they get harassed? Or if I wear gold chain and it gets snatched and I am killed in the process, should I be held responsible for provocating the goons by wearing a gold chain? What logic explains their concept is hard to understand.

Again, how can one decide an inviting dress? For someone from a rural background who has probably never seen his mother's face without a pallu, even a normal salwar suit may be inviting, whereas for someone who has grown up with girls wearing mini skirts and probably whose mother and sisters wear western dresses, might not get his testosterone boiling unless he sees a nude girl. So whose standard are the girls supposed to follow and how do you set such standards? For some tribes in the Northeast, a sleeveless is not a big deal but exposing tummy when you wear sari is supposed to be vulgar. On the other hand, someone in Maharashtra might find a sari decent and a sleeveless top inviting. So what is the solution, of course, if you think 'Dress' to have any role in cases of eve-teasing? Well then I can see only two possibilities:

1) Follow Raj Thakaray's advice and be in your own state, a UP wala in UP, MP wala in MP and Punjabi in Punjab.

2) Be used to get raped as soon as you cross your state or regional boundary because cultures, norms and traditions vary from state to state and region to region.

But then the discoverers of the 'Dress' theory would have to ensure that ones dresses and regions are fixed, eve-teasing would not happen. Anyone out there to take the responsibility?

Rapes are not specific to India. They happen in Least Developed Economies and Most Developed Economies alike. This only goes to show that sexual harassment has nothing to do with modernity, development, underdevelopment, class, caste or dress. It is just another crime that needs to be severely punished to send across a strong message that one can't get away with this. While in the developed countries where this is followed, in India things get more complicated because of the so called 'Hypocrisy'. Punishment to criminals is alright. But what about those hundred tongues which eject venom when such a case happens. A girl is raped once by a rapist, but she is made to go through even worse experiences by the attitude of the society. How do we plan to punish this society which finds it so easy to convict the victim?

And again, I really wish to meet those people personally who lived in that "Golden Age" when sexual harassment did not happen. A basic knowledge would let anyone understand that number or statistics of such cases is of course directly proportional to population. More males, more females and hence more cases. As population has increased, obviously, such cases have increased. Also, in the olden days, a case of sexual harassment was never reported. The tears, the blood, the shame, the disgrace of the woman were all confined to herself in the dark dungeon of her shattered mind and ego or were blown away by the wind with her ashes or may be buried deep under the earth with her decomposed body. Another factor that has led to more cases of sexual harassment is the fact that today, women are not chained within the walls of their houses. They get educated, they move out and many a times outside the protective shield of their fathers or husbands. (Well, sometimes even fathers and husbands play the role of the dreaded monsters in their lives from whom they are supposed to protect her but such cases are comparatively less and can be ignored for the present discussion.) The women, therefore, are rendered more vulnerable and exposed to threats of eve-teasing and even more severe forms of sexual harassment. Well, to understand this, one needs a mind and one who comments as the ones with which I started this piece of writing, surely does not have one.

Suicides, depressions, trauma, psychological disorders and all other aftermaths of any form of sexual harassment is often caused less because of the incident itself and more due to the way the society reacts to it. So for all such people who think that the girl invited the innocent boy, I advise them, to surrender themselves to police when their money or jewelery or any valuables are stolen for the crime of inviting the thieves or dacoits by buying jewelery or earning money or carrying either, to get themselves arrested and convicted when their cars get stolen for the crime of buying or traveling in a car thereby inviting the thieves. And the most important reason why they should be put behind bars is to prevent crimes because one with such mentality surely does not have any strength of character or control over his organs. So the moment he feels a dress is beautiful or sexy or modern or traditional enough to invite him, he would definitely pounce on the girl wearing that and devour her. That's what they believe in right! If a girl's dress appeals them, raping her is their right or may be duty!

As far as the north-east is concerned, though economically it’s a backward region, but socially it’s far advanced than many other regions in India. Gender disparity is very low and females enjoy an equal status. In fact, some north-eastern tribes follow a matrilineal pattern of society. The female literacy rates and the sex ratios are much better than many other regions in India. This can be seen by comparing the India average and some of the north eastern states data as per 2001 census. While the India average for female literacy rate is 54.16, with few states like Rajasthan, Bihar, Jharkhand, MP and even economically advanced states like Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Haryana have female Literacy rate much below 60%, north eastern states like Mizoram has above 86%, Nagaland, 62%, Tripura, 65%, Meghalaya, 60%, Sikkim, 61%, all of which are much above the national average. Similarly, comparing the sex ratio, shows that states like Manipur(978), Mizoram(938), Tripura(950), Meghalaya(975) etc have a much better sex ratio than the national avg of 933. So when those girls who enjoy social liberty in their regions get trapped by the gimmicky infrastructure and show-offs wrapping up a backward male dominating, women exploiting, hypocrite social mentality, its not those girls who are to be blamed for assuming the national capital 'Delhi' or for that matter, any other so-called ‘developed’ city in India to be socially more advanced than the economically plundered NE states.

Finally the one rapist who commits the crime due to momentary passion or animal instinct might or might not be reported, might or might not be caught, might or might not be convicted but the rapist, the molester, the women oppressor, hiding behind the innocent faces of this hypocrite middle class Indian Society is never reported, never caught and never convicted. We have no laws, no procedure, and no Constitutional provision to punish or amend the criminal social mentality towards women prevailing in India. Alas, after a heinous crime as rape is committed, we have so many senseless, conscienceless, heartless and mindless people finding faults with the victim instead of supporting a stringent punishment for the criminal. I wonder if we would need to wait until at least one daughter or sister in each Indian family is raped before the society learns that such crimes ruin the girl, her family and their lives and it’s not the victim but the perpetrator of the crime whose life needs to be made hell.

Aparajita Banerjee

Date: 26-Oct-2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Some more GK :-)

A. Man Booker Prize 2009 winner : Hilary Mantel for fiction "Wolf Hall"

B. GAGAN : GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation ; An augmentation system to enhance the accuracy and integrity of GPS signals to meet precision approach requirements in Civil Aviation and is being implemented jointly by AAI and ISRO

C.Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi located at Fursatganj in UP

2009 Nobel Laureates

A. Field : Physiology or Medicine 2009

Reason : For the discovery of how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme

Awardees :

1. Elizabeth H. Blackburn (1/3) - USA
2. Carol W. Greider (1/3) - USA
3. Jack W. Szostak (1/3) - USA

B. Field : Physics

Awardees :
1. Charles K. Kao (1/2) - China : Reason - For groundbreaking achievements concerning the
transmission of light in fibers for optical communication

Reason : For the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit – the CCD sensor

2. Willard S. Boyle (1/4) - USA
3. George E. Smith (1/4) - USA

C. Field : Chemistry

Reason : For studies of the structure and function of the ribosome

Awardees :

1. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan (1/3) - UK (Indian Origin)
2. Thomas A. Steitz (1/3) - USA
3. Ada E. Yonath (1/3) - Israel

D. Field : Literature

Reason : For depicting the landscape of the dispossessed with the concentration of poetry and
the frankness of prose

Awardee :

1. Herta Müller - Germany

E. Field : Peace

Reason : For his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation
between peoples

Awardee :

1. Barack Hussein Obama - USA

Sunday, September 20, 2009


1) Arun Majumdar is in news. Why?

Named by Obama White House as the 1st director of the US Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E).

ARPA-E : Organization for reducing America's reliance on foreign energy supplies, cutting Greenhouse gas emission and improving energy efficiency.

2) Excellent scheme by AP govt. Call centre to accept complaints from public on efficiency of implementation of Public Welfare Schemes.

3) Who is India's National Security Advisor currently?

M.K. Narayan

4) 27th Sep - 03rd Oct , what's the significance ?

We are celebrating the Joy of Giving Week. So what would you give and to whom?

5) What has the Nanavati commission been investigating ?

For those who don't know, its the Godhra and post-Godhra incidents.

6) Some sportsmen in news today:

a. Ai Miyazato : Golf (Women) - Japan

b. Geethu Anna Jose, Pauldurai Anitha : basket ball(Women) - India

c. Shakeh Mortaja : Atheletics(male) - India

d. Mandeep Kaur, Manjeet Kaur : Atheletics(Female) - India

e. Gaurav Gill, Musa Sheriff : Motor Sports (Team MRF)

f. Amittrajit Ghosh, Ashwin Naik : Motor Sports ( Red Rooster Racing)

g. Gaganjeet Bhullar : Golf

h. Rushmi Chakravarthy, Sanaa Bhamri : Tennis ( Women) : India

Some more on sports : Any idea , terms like 'Double-Bogey', 'Birdie' are related to which sport?

Well, that's Golf.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


1)C.N. Annadurai : Who's this man?

Well, he is the founder of Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam party of TN and the first non-congress CM of TN.

2)What is resolution 1172 of UNSC?

UNSC passed resolution 1172 in 1998 urging India and Pakistan to sign the NPT as well as the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty in the wake of the nuclear tests both countries conducted in May that year. Since then, 1172 has been treated by the international community, and the U.S. in particular, as a dead letter as far as India is concerned.

3)Juan Martin del Potro of Argentina ended Roger Federer’s run of dominance at the U.S. Open on Monday(14-Sep-2009), stunning the top-ranked Swiss great in five sets to win in his first Grand Slam final.

4) Great Initiative : "The Government of Kerala Web-mail Edition"

This facility aims at providing email addresses to all state govt employees in Kerela as part of efforts to improve bureaucratic efficiency and speed up service delivery. Read this.

5) A very well written article on the extent to which we need nuclear weapons. Here .

6) Another beautiful piece (a speech by Sarkozy and others in France ) on a more inclusive index, rather than just the economic statistical GDP ,for measuring progress of a nation as a whole. Its here .

7)What is NCR SelfServ 32?

Its the next generation, multi-functional Automated-Teller-Machine (ATM) introduced by Global technology company NCR Corporation. Some of its advanced functions include accepting cheques without any envelope and is scalable to offer bulk cheque deposits and is in sync with the Reserve Bank of India’s current initiative of getting banks’ technology ready to offer cheque truncation.


A big gap for me. Sorry for the discontinuity. My office, assignments and some guests at my place kept me really busy last few days. While office work is still bugging my head, the guests have left.

Well, then let's start.

1) Any idea what is MLAA?

That's Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement that has been signed between India and Hong Kong on Monday to improve the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies of both sides in investigation and prosecution of crimes. It was signed by Minister of State for Home Mullappally Ramachandran and Ambrose Lee, secretary for security, on behalf of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the People’s Republic of China.

2) Cong's austerity drive...Good thing if its not another publicity and popularity stunt for a temporary period.

3) Who's Sujata Koirala?

She's the counterpart of Nirupama Rao( Indian Foreign Secretary) from Nepal (Nepal's Foreign Secretary)

4) Civil nuclear agreement with Mongolia

The agreement for peaceful uses of radioactive minerals and nuclear energy between India and Mongolia makes that country the sixth nation after the U.S., Russia, France, Kazakhstan, and Namibia to sign the civil nuclear pact with India after the 45-member Nuclear Suppliers Group lifted the ban.

Mongolian President: Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj

5) Tendulkar's 44th ODI Century at Premadasa stadium in Sri Lanka

Sachin Tendulkar held centrestage at the Premadasa Stadium on 14th Sep,09 , his 44th ODI century — his fourth at this ground and his sixth in tournament finals — helping India win the Compaq Cup.

6) Dr. Norman Borlaug : Father of Green Revolution
M.S. Swaminathan : Accredited for Green Revolution in India

7) Vijender Singh achieved a ‘rare double’ by winning the country’s first boxing medals in Olympics and World championships (Bromze medal at Milan)

Coach : G.S. Sandhu

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Date : 01-Sep-2009

1) Class X boards no longer a compulsion for those who want to continue in the same school for senior secondary level.

Personally, I do not support the step but we shall get to know with time if this is going to help.

2) Nirmal Verma : so far Vice Admiral, now the New Navy Admiral.

3) Julia Gillard : Australia Deputy PM and Minister for Education

4) About 24 parliamentary standing committees constituted on 31st Aug :

  1. T. Subbarami Reddy - Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science and Technology and Environment and Forests
  2. M. Venkaiah Naidu - Standing Committee on Home
  3. Shanta Kumar - Committee on Commerce
  4. Sushma Swaraj - Committee on External
  5. Murli Manohar Joshi - Committee on Finance
  6. Sumitra Mahajan - Committee on Rural Development
  7. Ananth Kumar - Committee on Chemicals and Fertilizers
  8. Dara Singh Chauhan - Committee on Social Justice and Empowerment
  9. Sitaram Yechury - Committee on Transport, Tourism and Culture
  10. Basudeb Acharia - Committee on Agriculture
  11. Mulayam Singh Yadav - Committee on Energy
  12. Amar Singh - Committee on Health and Family Welfare
  13. T.R. Baalu - Committee on Railways
  14. Jayanthi Natarajan - Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice
  15. Rao Inderjit Singh - Panel on Information Technology
  16. Satpal Maharaj - Committee on Defence
  17. Hemand Biswal - Committee on Labour
  18. Vilas Muttemwar - Committee on Food, Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution
  19. Beni Prasad Verma - Committee on Water Resources
  20. Aruna Kumar Vundavalli - Petroleum and Natural Gas
  21. Akhilesh Das Gupta - Committee on Industry
  22. Kalyan Banerjee - Committee on Coal and Steel
  23. Sharad Yadav - Parliamentary Standing Committee on Urban Development
  24. Oscar Fernandes - Committee for Human Resource Development

5) SMS for LPG : A huge relief. Read this

I know what kind of a pain it is to book for refill of cylinder and I guess every single or married person who has a LPG connection in Hyderabad knows this, especially BPCL. Let's see how this works. A lot of good things are planned but very few are effectively implemented by the Indian Govt.

6) Amazing : See this

Biometric scanners in Home Ministry offices to reecord time in and time out of employees by their fringerprints. This is done to inculcate the sense of punctuality amongst the staff of the ministry. Its really a pleasure to see that such things are happening in India. I hope this works.

7) 'Fishermen Protection Act' to be passed shortly.

This is similar to the Forests Rights Act. The Government would aslo shortly amend the CRZ (Coastal regulation Zone) Act 1991 to safeguard the livelihood of traditional fishermen and toddy tappers of Goa as siad by Jairam Naresh, Union Minister of State for Environment and Forests.

8) Reasons for increase in Sugarcane price:

  1. Non-payment of sugarcane arrears to farmers in the last two seasons
  2. Farmers shifting to other crops whose minimum support price was raised
  3. Lower acreage
  4. Lower productivity
  5. Lower sucrose content in cane due to a deficient monsoon in the south
  6. Fall in recovery rates and
  7. Diversion of the area under sugarcane in the current season

9) G. Madhavan Nair : ISRO Chairman

Chandrayaan-1 : Best example of 'Low Cost Planetary Mission' of which India is a pioneer.
Chandrayaan-2 and Mars mission being planned by ISRO.

10) Winner of the 2009 Ramon Magsaysay Award, Deep Joshi of India

Philippine Supreme Court Chief Justice Reynato Puno awarded the honour during a ceremony in Manila on Monday. Mr. Joshi is being recognised for “his vision and leadership in bringing professionalism to the NGO movement, by effectively combining ‘head’ and ‘heart’ in the transformative development of rural communities.

11) Any idea what is F-16IN.

Super Vipers, tailored to suit the requirements of the Indian Air Force, from the stables of aerospace giant Lockheed Martin vying for the IAF’s medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) deal, worth over $10 billion.


  1. Single-engine, fourth generation multi-role F-16
  2. Operates in the air forces of 25 nations
  3. The largest Western fighter programme, with over 4,400 aircraft being built
  4. The second of the MMRCA contenders to fly in here trials
  5. A number of advanced features incorporated
  6. Electronically scanned array radar
  7. A unique electronic warfare suite that was requested by the IAF

12) A burning example how good policies do not lead to good results until effective implementation is included in the execution part of the policy.

Even though one of the objectives of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) was that all children should be in school including the Education Guarantee Centre, the Alternate School and the ‘Back-to-School’ camp by 2003, and all children should complete five years of primary schooling by 2007, Assam still has 3,39,100 children who do not go to school.

To read further on this click here.

Monday, August 31, 2009

I wish...

I wish I had wings so I could fly,
To reach your shoulders when I cry.

I wish you were here so I could tell you
Everytime I miss you, that I love you.

I wish distances meant not what they mean,
So we could be together in spite of the distances between.

I wish you and I were together
Not apart for a moment, never.

I wish dreams were as true as reality,
So we could live them together till eternity.

I wish I had a third eye,
To peep at you, not knowing why.

I wish the winds could tell you, if they could speak,
How without you, I feel weak.

I wish I were a poetess writing this letter,
So I could tell you, how lonely I feel without you, better.

New year's card and letter to my beloved...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Date : 26-Aug-2009

1. Decision to make Judges assets public by a unanimous decision of SC judges is a welcome step towards attainment of transparency.

The sudden conclusive decision on a matter which had been under discussion and negotiation for so long was surely influenced by some extent even if negligible by the voice raised by Justice Shylendra Kumar of Karnataka High court openly in favour of the asset declaration by judges. To check his asset declaration and comments on the issue click here.

2. India , China decide to collaborate on environmental issues.

Good, atleast in something the two countries are planning to collaborate. Bute here too, there are harsh feelings in both sides regarding poaching of wild tigers in India and of Tibetan antelopes in Tibet. Both countries feel that the other one instigates such activities across the border.

3. Nehru Cup : Football.
Baichung Bhutia's boys defeated Srilanka in one of the matches to continue its struggle for the cup.

4. Reality is stranger than fiction and far away from fictional claims of our political parties before elections.

By any chance, have you seen the Haryana no.1 advertisement on National Television? Do you notice any woman in the advertisement from beginning to end other than Soniya Gandhi at the end? Oops! I am so sorry, poor guys, how can they find woman for advertisements, they would have to borrow women from other states as they have killed their girl children. Such a pathetic sex ratio and our respected govt don't even hesitate to call it no. 1. state. No doubt its no. 1 in female foeticide, maternal mortality rate and all other means of killing , torturing and abusing women.

Almost similar is the case with MP advertisement. In recent local media reports and a half-page advertisement carried in a national daily, the Madhya Pradesh government has claimed to be number one in implementing the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006. Evidences from the field fly in the face of this claim, suggesting that the State stands first in rejecting claims made by forest-dwellers as can be seen from the plight of Jhabua, Morjhariya and other tribals and farmers. See this

5. A good step against corruption. See this where our PM Dr.Manmohan Singh and CBI director Ashwani Kumar speak on tackling corruption.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Hangman

The sun was about to set. The weather was calm and serene. The reddish blue dusk sky carved a picturesque image on the canvas of nature.
Gopi was smiling today probably after years. He did not get a call from the King's men today. He did have a loss of a few anas but that was better than what he went through each day he was called for by the king's men.

He faced a lot of questions about his profession in the intial years. Many looked down upon him with hatred, fear and rage in their eyes, yet others were inquisitive about his experience while he performed his job He looked straight into their eyes emotionlessly and they knew they had asked the wrong questions. The entire village ostracized him and slowly he shifted with his family of three to the outskirts of the village where the dead bodies were burnt. He, his wife Uma and their son Jogi lived in a small hut there.

With time, they forgot all insulting comments and humiliating looks. But Gopi still could not find peace. His profession did not allow him to. Every time a dead body was brought to the burial ground and he heard the shrieks of the wailing widows, the cry of the orphaned children he could feel the cramps in his stomach. He wanted to run away and hide somewhere to avoid the relatives of the dead. He wished he did not exist. He wished he didn’t have a family. He wished he had a different profession. He wished he were not born in the family of the hangman.

Today, Gopi’s family is no longer a family of three. Uma passed away soon after they shifted to the village outskirts. Gopi cried aloud but there was none by his side to comfort him. He dragged Uma’s body close to the river, burnt it and threw away the ashes. Jogi was too young to understand what had happenned. He kept asking his father, why his mother was sleeping for so long, when would she get up. When Gopi was dragging Uma’s body, Jogi kept crying as he thought his mother would be injured by his father’s actions. Gopi could not manage his tears, Jogi’s innocent queries and Uma’s body simultaneously. He tied Jogi with a rope to a chair at home and went on with the process. Jogi had often asked since that fateful day about his mother but Gopi never answered. Now Jogi is 9 years old and he has probably realized with time that his mother shall never come back again. He doesn’t ask Gopi anymore. For Jogi, Gopi is his world, his only world.

Seeing his father in a good mood today, Jogi came close to Gopi and stood very close to him. He wanted to be cuddled, to be pampered. Gopi understood that and pulled him even closer and kissed his cheek. He caressed him and asked, “ Do you love your Baba?”. Jogi spread his small hands wide as much as he could and replied, “ I love you theeeeeeeeees much.” Hearing this, Gopi was almost into tears and his watery eyes reminded him of the days when his own father Gokul used to take him on his lap and caressed him. The past flashed before his eyes, so clear, so vivid as if it were just the other day when he lived with his father and like any other son, believed his father to be a Hero.

Gokul was a rickshaw puller and had a modest income. Gokul, his wife and Gopi lived happily with whatever little they had. Gopi had lots of friends in the village with whom he used to play and chat and roam around in the village fields. Gopi’s mother always used to be very weak and prone to diseases. She often complained about some stomach ache but it got ignored in their daily struggle for existance. On one fateful day, Gopi’s mother couldn’t get up from bed. Her stomach ache was too much for her to bear. Gokul rushed to the village vaid and sought his advise. The vaid was not of much help and he suggested Gokul to take her to the nearest town for some expert advice. Gokul lifted his wife, put her on the rickshaw and cycled it all the way to the town.
He could not see his wife crying her heart out because of pain. They reached the town chikitsalaya and spoke to the vaid there. He was a busy man and charged a huge fee for treating patients. Gokul could not afford that kind of money. His only possession was his Rickshaw. He mortgaged the same to the vaid and asked him to treat his wife. The vaid did take a look but as his attempts to save Gokul’s wife seemed half-hearted to Gokul. He could not save Gokul's wife. It was anyway too late for any treatment. And poor people never get the kind of attention that rich people can buy.

Gokul didn’t know what to do. He had lost his wife and his only means of bringing up his son, his Rickshaw. He was scared to take his wife’s deadbody to his village as he couldn’t imagine how his son would react. He decided to stay back in the town that night, complete the cremation procedure and return home. He did as decided and started for his village the next day. The closer he went to his village, the more worried he became. He thought of hundreds of excuses to convince Gopi about his mother’s whereabouts. But he himself was not convinced with any of them. He was also worried about how to run his family and feed his child since he did not have any source of income. His rickshaw was mortgaged and he had to earn sufficient money to free it. But how would he earn money?

He was tired and exhausted. He somehow managed to drag his feet forward and finally reached home, washed his hands and feet, put on the lamp and lied down on his cot. Gopi came running inquiring about his mother. Gokul was nervous, scared and tensed. His voice choked and he couldn’t speak. The innocent questions of Gopi were too delicate to be given an answer that was so devastating as the truth. Gokul had no option but to lie. He said, his mother was treated successfully by the vaid and is now fine. She wanted to visit somebody in the town and so Gokul came back alone and his mother would return soon. Hearing this Gopi was little relieved but sad and angry with his father. He kept complaining about why he left his ill mother alone in town and did not bring her back with him. Gokul gave many explanations but Gopi was not satisfied. The next day when his mother didn’t return, Gopi asked his father to go to the town and get her back. He was afraid that his mother would not be able to return alone. Meanwhile, Gokul was desperately in search of a job.

One day, he heard that the village hangman had passed away and there was none to do his job. Nobody wanted to do as lowly and ruthless a job as hanging someone. Gokul didn’t think twice and went to the King’s court. He volunteered for taking up this job and he was immediately appointed. As soon as this happened, the village people started looking down upon Gokul and badmouthed him. Gopi heard all that from his friends and believed that his father was no longer a good man. Days went by and Gopi’s anger towards his father kept increasing. He had always blamed his father for neglecting his mother.

As Gopi grew up, his anger towards Gokul turned into hatred. When Gopi was 14, he ran away from village without informing his father and went to a nearby town. He did a variety of jobs there, sometimes as a domestic help, sometimes in a lodge, sometimes picking up garbage. Its here, in this town, that he met Uma and fell in love. Uma was an orphan and worked as a sweeper in a lodge. They soon married. But there life was a struggle each day. They didn’t have any permanent job. They never had sufficient to eat. The expense of taking up a house in the town was too much for them. As before, they now could not sleep on the roadside or beneath a tree since they were a married couple. Gopi then decided to come back to his village. Atleast they had a house there. He had not heard about his father all this while. He still hated his father.

They started for the village one morning. As Gopi reached his village hut, he found it was vacant.
He expected his father to be there. Upon inquiring he learnt that his father was forced to leave that house and move to the village outskirts because of his profession. Gopi was sad but he still blamed his father for his mother’s loss. He wanted to meet Gokul once and looked for him at many places. He could not find any trace of Gokul.

Gopi was in search of a job. He took up some work as an assistant to a shopkeeper. The salary was too meagre but they somehow survived. A year later, Uma gave birth to Jogi. Their expense increased and it was becoming more and more difficult to manage the household. One day, a man from the King’s court came inquiring for Gokul’s son. Upon meeting Gopi, they informed that as per the village rule, the hangman’s son was supposed to carry out his father’s work after his father retired or died. Gopi was shocked to hear this. When he asked about his father, they said that Gokul had not come to work since past few years and the king’s men were looking for Gopi to carry on with the work. Since Gopi had left the village, they could not reach him. No body knew where Gokul was. Gopi was asked to report to the King the next very day. That night, Gopi and Uma had a lot of discussions. They were in severe need of money. Working for the King would provide them with sufficient money to run their family as no one prefers doing that job and whoever does, is paid sufficiently by the king. Gopi was reluctant. But Uma said that for Jogi’s sake, he should do the job. If they had sufficient money, they could send Jogi to a far off town once he grows up and he would not have to carry on with this profession. Finally, for Jogi’s sake, Gopi was convinced to take up this job. He then tried to understand his father’s situation when he took up this job and perhaps realized that his father was not so bad after all.

Today, with Jogi sitting on his lap, he remembered his father and perhaps he understands now what all Gokul might have gone through. How much Gokul must have loved him and what all sacrifices he might have made for him. His missed his father but he didn’t even know if he was still alive.

The next morning, the kingsmen called for Gopi. He went to the execution arena and performed his duty. Everytime he did this, he prayed to the Almighty to forgive his own sins and give peace to the departed soul. He never dared to look up lest he gets a glimpse of the person whom he would hang in a few moments. After the culprit was hanged, usually, all his relatives would gather and weep and take the body for cremation. But today no one was there. He felt strange and inquired some other workers there about what would happen to the body. They said they will throw it in the morgue. And unclaimed bodies were mass-burnt after 3-4 days. He further asked what this man’s crime was. The workers told him that he was a roadside old loon who had dared to pelt stones and injure the royal vaid severely almost attempting to murder him. When he heard the vaid’s name, he felt he had heard it before but could not recollect. He came back home and as usual was sad and unhappy about how the day had passed and wanted to sleep. He threw his arm around Jogi’s waist while sleeping and while caressing him, he kept thinking about the day’s events and about the vaid who was attacked.

For two days, he was restless and his mind kept stressing and stretching itself to find out about how the vaid’s name was so familiar to him. All of a sudden, he recollected that it was this vaid to whom Gokul had carried his mother. He rushed to the morgue and inquired about the body of the man hanged 3 days back. They informed that it was already burnt since no one claimed it in 3 days. Gopi rushed like a mad man here and there inquiring about who burnt the body and where was it burnt and hundred other questions. Finally he found one man who carries the bodies to the cremation ground. And he informed that he had found a letter and a bangle in the prison drawer that belonged to one of the prisoners who was hanged recently and burnt as an unclaimed body and that no one had come so far to claim his belongings. Gopi was eager to see the letter and the bangle. The worker took him to a dark room where the possessions of the dead were kept just in case someone came to claim later. Gopi saw the bangle and burst into tears. It was his mother’s bangle.

He then read the letter which was addressed to him. Gokul had accepted his lie about his mother’s death in that letter and explained his position while seeking Gopi’s forgiveness. He wrote all the pains he had gone through when Gopi left the house and went missing. The letter revealed the entire struggle that Gokul undertook to search for his son using up all the resources that he had. Gokul had stopped attending to the kingmen’s calls and went to the nearby town and kept looking for Gopi at every street, every corner. As Gopi read the letter, his hands shook with anger over himself and his soul was shattered with guilt and repentence. Gopi had forgiven his father long back but he didn’t know how to forgive himself now. He almost lost his sanity and cried aloud. His tears knew no bounds and his life seemed to be a curse to him. He wanted to get rid of his sinful life.

He went back home holding the bangle and the letter close to his chest. Jogi was playing outside and didn’t notice when Gopi got into the house. Gopi kept reading the letter again and again and each time hating himself more and more. He searched the house for a jute rope and made a loop in it. He hung the looped rope to the ceiling and pulled a chair. He was an expert in this job. He had given such a death to many many people before. But this was the first time and ofcourse the last when he would do to himself what he had done to all those people who were hanged in the King’s arena all these years.

Just then Jogi came rushing into the house and asked what game this was and that he too wanted to play. Sudden appearance of Jogi and his innocent question shook Gopi out of the world of insanity he was in and he suddenly realized what he was going to do. He had failed to be a good son and now he was going to lose his oppurtunity to be a good father. In fact what he was upto would have ruined Jogi’s life who was still so much dependent on him. He had already done enough sin in his life by hating and punishing his own father for no reason, but no more. He now knew that he had to live, he had to smile, inspite of all the hardships in his life, inspite of his lowly profession, not for his sake but for his child, his son Jogi. His own father Gokul had sacrificed his whole life for Gopi and in return got the death of a roadside lunatic criminal who was hanged by his own son whose body was also burnt as unclaimed. But if he were to do justice to his father’s soul, he himself had to be as great a father as Gokul. He rushed towards Jogi and hugged him tight. He kissed him on his forehead, his cheeks and promised him not to try this nasty game ever again and to be a father he could always love and look up to.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Current Affairs : 21-Aug-2009

1. What is GRACE?
Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment Satellites of NASA to analyse ground water depletion around Himalayas in areas like Haryana, Punjab, Delhi etc. The results are frightening as we are pumping out huge volumes of water and the replenishment rate is extremely low. Time to check...

2. Anil Kakodia : Who's this gentleman?
Chairman of AEC : Atomic Energy Commission.

3. Why is Ex-NCERT Director J.S. Rajput in news?
He has been presented with the 2004 Jan Amos Comenius Award by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).

Yeah that's correct and not a typo. Its "2004". Why has it been given in 2009 then?
To know, check this:

4. Which movie has been voted the top war film recently?
Steven Spielberg’s multiple Oscar winning film "Saving Private Ryan".

5. If you are interested in India's History, you would probably like this article.

6. Some Sports person in news today :
1) Vishnu Vardhan : Tennis
2) Thomas Kurien , P.C.Thulasi (Female) : Badminton
3) Chetan Anand, Arvind Bhat : Badminton
4) Deep Sengupta : Chess
5) Lanka Ravi : Chess ( Now to coach Women's team )
6) Gaganjeet Bhullar, Mukesh Kumar : Golf
7) Vijender Kumar : Boxing
8) Nikhat Banu : Table Tennis
9) Praveen Prabhakar : Sailing
10) Rohan Bopanna(India), Frank Moser (Germany) : Tennis

That's it for today.

Why do I write on Current Affairs ?

I have always loved to write stories, poetry, articles etc. But my recent interest towards current affairs is not really an interest. Its rather a way to make myself aware of the things going around and remember a few facts that would help me in future.

Reading only puts the stuff in our temporary memory, say RAM in computer language.
Writing makes the knowledge permanent, kind of. So blogging is not just for the benefit of those who read but self benefits as well.

Tough it is, for sure because it demands the comitment to write everyday, to write you need to read everyday, to read and write, you need time that's very precious and very scarce. To find time for some work, you really need to be committed towards that work.

Committment and dedication are two things that can exist only when a goal is attached to it. The goal, in turn, can be defined as desires which have timelines and determination attached to it.
Such desires can be equated with burning fire within.

As long as the fire is burning within me I shall keep writing, the day I stop, you would know that the fire has been extinguished.

Do you still wanna know why I write on news items these day? I guess 'No' ;-)

Current Affairs : 20-AUG-2009

1. Why was the M.S. Swaminathan Expert Committee set up?
To report on the Coastal Management Zone (CMZ) Notification. Ministry has accepted the recommendations and is planning amendments to the CMZ while drafting a Fishermen Rights Bill.

2. Is it just to place a political party's ideology before individual's fundamental right to freedom of expression?
If your answer is 'Yes' then probably you would support the ouster of Jaswant singh from BJP. Personally, I do not support such oligarchic dictatorship.

3. News from Berlin, World Atheletics Championship :
1) Sanya Richards of the United States claimed her first individual world 400m title.
2) American Kerron Clement retained his men’s 400m hurdles.
3) Steffi Nerius of Germany won the women’s javelin gold.
4) Kenyan Ezekiel Kemboi won the men’s 3000m steeplechase title.
5) Phillips Idowu of Britain won the men’s triple jump gold.

4. One's helplessness is another's opportunity. Well, if you don't agree, ask the private hospitals.
In bangalore, about 80 pvt. hospitals which have agreed to screen for H1N1, are charging about 5 times the actual fee required for the nasal/throat swab test. Read this.

5. Who received the 42nd Jnanpith award?
Eminent Sanskrit poet Satya Vrat Shastri was presented the prestigious 42nd Jnanpith Award by the Princess of Thailand, Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, at a function at the Parliament House in New Delhi for his “outstanding contribution to the enrichment of Indian literature.”

6. Why are the Rajiv Gandhi Awards given and who got the awards this time?
The awards are an annual tribute to the former Prime Minister by Charan Singh Sapra. They are presesnted on the eve of Rajiv Gandhi’s birth anniversary.

In the 12th edition of the award ceremony, the following personalities were felicitated:
1)Nineteen-year-old Krushnaa Patil(19), the youngest Indian girl (2nd youngest worldwide) to scale Mount Everest in the woman achiever category.

Any idea who's the youngest girl to do so? Ming Kipa Sherpais(15) in 2006.

Any guess about the other names of Mount Everest?
Ofcourse SaagarMaathaa is one, that's the Nepali name. Any other?
The Tibetan name is Chomolungma.

2)Indian Space Research Organisation Chairman G. Madhavan Nair in Super achiever Category.
3) Planning Commission member Narendra Jadhav in the Education Category.
4) social entrepreneurship award went to Supernani Rajshree Birla whose Mumbai Orpanage has imparted vocational training to over 1500 underprivileged children.
5) Law Firm owner Rohit Kochhar received the young entrepreneur award.
6) Sam Pitroda, who started the “Yellow Revolution” in India in 1980 with the now-ubiquitous STD and PCO booths, received the global Indian award.
7) Abhinav Bindra won the sports award for being the first individual to win an Olympics gold for India.
8) 13-year-old Avika Gor won the young prodigy award for her much acclaimed role in the serial ‘Balika Vadhu’
9) Ramesh Chandra Agarwal, chairman of the Dainik Bhaskar group of newspapers, won the award in the journalism category.
10) Vineet Jain, owner of the Times Group, received the award in the industrialist category.
11) Katrina Kaif received the award in the best actress category.
12) Shahid Kapoor in the best actor category.

7. Bravery Awards given away by Madhya Pradesh State Police to three for apprehending looters. Who form this courageous trio?
Suman Yadav(25), Gagan Shukla (21) and Rajendra Kumar Shivhare (45).

8. Which day is celebrated as the World Photography day?
I know that's a tough because thanks to the Archies group, every day is some special day now-a-days like mother's day, father's day, brother-in-law's day,'neighbour's day, servant's day and what not.

Well, the Photography day is celebrated on the 19th of Aug.
Ok, a tougher question this time. Who received the lifetime achievement award for photography in India this year?
Renowned photographer Anil Risal Singh was awarded in Lucknow.

9. FATA. What does this stand for ?
Federally Administered Tribal Areas. These are the Afpak border areas.

10. New book to be released : Al Qaeda Connection . Who's the author?
Senior Pakistani journalist Imitiaz Gul

11. Which country will host the African Union (AU) special summit on refugees, returnees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Africa in October this year?

12. Smart Infocomm, a leading multinational engaged in the field of IT hardware and mobile accessories has signed up their Brand Ambassador. Any idea, who's the guy?
Oscar winner, Resul pookutty

Enough for the day, I suppose. C u tomorrow :-)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Current Affairs : 19-Aug-2009

For 18th Aug updates, you can check here.
For todays bit, here it is :
1. Pravasi Bharatiya Divas : What's so special about it?

Started in 2003, this is the first effort from the Govt. of India (Ministry of overseas affairs) to connect to the Indian Diaspora spread across the world. The first event was held in Delhi, the 7th one in Chennai, and the 8th one in 2010 will again be held in Chennai.

Dates : 7-9 Jan. Why?
Well, that's because it was on the 9th of Jan, 1915 when Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from S. Africa.

2. Corrupt people find their way in and way out under all circumstances. Why am I saying this?

That's because people are corrupt rarely because they are poor. People are corrupt because their soul, their blood, their genes and their conscience are poor. The 'Environment Clearance' that's required to start a new business has become a new source of corruption. Good that our PM has realized this and is taking measures to address this. Strict vigilence and severe punishment is the only way to save our nation from the corrupt souls.

3. Even the sun would die some day! Why do I say this?

Russian Pole Vault queen Yelena Isinbayeva who has not seen defeat since many years and added anther feather to her records with her huge Olympic success recently in Beijing, was dethroned as Poland’s Anna Rogowska claimed gold at the World athletics championships held in Berlin (Germany).

4. Who would get the scientist of the year Award 2009 award and which organization would give the award?

An Associate Professor at the department of Biochemistry Kashmir University, Bashir Ahmad Ganai , has been chosen for scientist of the year Award 2009 by a Delhi-based NGO, the National Environmental science Academy.
The Award has been conferred on him for his contributions in the field of environmental Biochemistry.

5. What about the law and order situation in the country?

The damage of train compartments by Bihar's so-called students ( I don't know which educational institute trains students for such activities ) as if the train was inherited by them from their respective grandfathers and the dacoits looting train passengers in the same state answer the question very well. Wanna read? Check this.

6. Moser Baer's new products in Indian Markets:
‘Dual Layer’ and ‘LightScribe’ discs

7. Few important personalities in news today:
1) Syed Sibtey Razi : Former Governer of Jharkhand and current Governer of Assam.

2) Madhav Kumar Nepal : PM of Nepal. His first foreign visit after taking over the charge has been to India for enhancing friendly ties. He arrived here this tuesday (18th aug).

3) Michael Boneham : Managing Director of Ford who expressed his plans of entering the small car segment which has a huge market in India.

4) Ashok Chawla : Finance Secretary (India)

That's it for the day!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Current Affairs : 17-AUG-2009

1. Why is 'Bhuvan' in news ?

Well, this is not Lagaan's Bhuvan(Amir Khan). This is the latest mapping tool from ISRO that can produce aerial view zoomed upto 10 times, using data from our satellite. It is like an indigenous google earth.

ISRO : Indian Space Research Organization , formed in 1969

2. Silly news but a touchy one. Any idea what is the mascot (not official though, just emotional) of INS Virbahu?

Its a brown Himalayan Bear. Wanna know the reason? Click here:

INS Virbahu : India's 1st submarine base, located at Vizag.

3. Jinnah-India, Partition, Independence

Yes that's the book to be released tomorrow. All those interested in political history and in knowing 'the other' view that is usually not taught in schools and colleges and prescribed texts might have a read.
Author : Ofcourse the opposition's(BJP) senior leader Jaswant Singh

4. Some sports persons in today's news:

Rani Devi : Plays Jr Women's Hockey for India
Upamanyu Dutta : Sailing
K. ratnakaran, Deepan Chakkravarty, Sriram Jha : Chess
Valentino Rossi : Motor Sports
Juan Martin Del Potro : Tennis
Padraig Harrington(Ireland), Yang Yong-Eun(S. korea) : Golf
Lind Dan, Lan Lu : Badminton
Linet Masai(Kenya) : Athletics

By the way, the world Badminton championship being held in Hyderabad recently, has concluded yesterday(Sunday).

That's all for the day. I have not gone through the editorials yet but the topics are pretty tempting and surely worth a read. So going for a ride,oops read....Till then take care and suggest corrections and other related information.



Friday, August 14, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Struggle: The real fun of life

Life is all about following your dreams. Paulo Coelho in ‘The Alkemist’ has expressed a similar thought. But is it actually so easy to ignore the mind and blindly follow the heart and proceed in a direction that probably leads to an uncertain future! Not easy ofcourse but not so tough either.

Living without a dream is no life after all. Can someone claim to be living a life if he has surrendered to fate and lets himself loose enough to be blown away with the breeze of time in a direction unknown? He might be breathing and showing all symptoms of life in biological terms but that’s just a biological life, which exists equally in an amoeba, a vegetable, a sponge or an elephant. Then what differentiates between a sponge and a human being? Is it just a super-developed brain or is there something more to it, something like a beating heart that’s often used as a symbol of the not-so-materialistically-conscious mind by the non-medical fraternity.

Where there is a heart, there are wishes and dreams. Wherever there are dreams, there are goals and zeal to achieve them, the determination to fight and struggle inspite of all the obstatcles in the path. Struggle to design the future in your own terms, to live a life you always thought you deserve, to strive to get better and better, to march ahead towards a life you have always dreamt for yourself, that’s what it means to truly live a life. The dream is life, the struggle is life, the fun of losing and yet fighting is life, and the joy of success is life.

There are many stakes involved ofcourse, the biggest being the risk of failure and the risk of probably losing whatever you initially started with. But as someone has said, ‘You don’t lose until you give up’. The day you give up, you accept defeat and you lose not just a chance to live your dream, but the dream itself and with the dream you lose life because, giving up is nothing but death.

Its finally upto an individual to choose a dreamer’s and fighter’s life or to choose to sway like a corpse with the waves of time in the ocean of life.

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